Plastic University Card
RFID University card is plastic identification card containing IC. They are also sometimes called “smart university cards” or “Contactless student cards”, “chip card” depending on the type of card and the smart card vendor.
Printing RFID Cards made of PVC, PET material. Standard shape is credit card shape, 85.5*54mm or custom.
Also can add magnetic stripe or embossed name, number even bar code.
University Card - Benefits & Features
University card is RFID id cards in schools, also called college student business card, which can have the following functions:
Identifying students: there is RFID chips in student ID card, others can view and remember your name, to identify as members of a university
Access to different places: University card is the key to the door of buildings, cafeterias, library, etc.
Borrowing books and other materials from the university library.
Payment to the cafeterias, shops in the school.
Guarantee the safety of your students: Get tracking to manage access to the various facilities on the campus

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